All Faiths Sanctuary

Architect: Robert Odhiambo
Location: College Station 
Project year: Fall 2010
Client: City of College Station

My master plan design for an All Faiths Sanctuary for College Station in Texas includes a new sanctuary building  on a North-South axis from the bonfire memorial. The project is defined as an "interdenominational chapel", a space for people who are in search for connection with a higher being-a place for quiet reflection, but also one that welcomes students, community members, and tourists who appreciate a rest stop that has a sense of beauty.  The task of the design was to create a place of spirituality.  The sanctuary is comprised of eight laminated glue members and are arranged ten feet apart by increments of two feet. Landscape and the development of an elongated pedestrian pathway to the entrance enhances the spirit of place and gives an individual time to meditate before entering the space.

                                          Site Analysis

                                          Site Plan

                                           Floor Plan 

                                          Elevation-East and Iso





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